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About Us


    We currently have 48 members representing Dyer, Lauderdale, Madison, Obion, and Tipton counties in Tennessee. Our membership includes professionals from manufacturing, health care, financial, insurance, and service industries. Our chapter offers the opportunity to network with fellow professionals in the community and works to further the Human Resources profession.


    Our chapter meets on the third Tuesday of each month at a location designated on our calendar.  Our meetings are an opportunity for our members to network, learn about legislative changes and updates, share best practice ideas, and gain recertification credit hours toward SHRM-SCP, SHRM-CP, SPHR, PHR, or GPHR certifications. We welcome you to join us for our next meeting and hope you will consider membership with our chapter.

    Contact Us

    If you have any questions or would like more information, please email us at Please be sure to designate us as your local SHRM chapter in your SHRM profile!